Friday, July 8, 2011

Independence Day!


After dinner with friends and before our trek downtown to watch the fireworks, I knew we would have time to enjoy a treat. I decided to make a special 4th of July cupcake and I think they turned out great. I used a vanilla cake and the left-over coconut buttercream frosting from my Pina Colada cupcakes. Easy!


The first step was to dye the batter. I divided it into 3 roughly two cup portions, leaving one white, and dying the others blue and red. Now red is a HARD color to get. It takes a lot of dye! So, I settled for a light red/pink shade, as I didn't want to mess up the thickness of my batter. Once the prep is done, you can start filling your cups. I put the blue at the bottom, white in the middle, and red on top.

Coming out of the oven...

 Cut in half...

I piped the frosting, added some red sprinkles, then a blueberry, and Wah-lah!
Perfect 4th of July cupcakes!

Summer Perfect Pina Colada Cupcakes!

A friend of mine shared an awesome recipe for these cupcakes and they are delicious! The crushed pineapple makes them so moist. The coconut-flavored buttercream is sweet, but not mouth-puckeringly so. They are the perfect summer treat! Here's some right out of the oven...

Add some coconut toasted in the oven, top with cherries and/or pinapple on skewers, and Wah-lah!