Saturday, June 11, 2011

Some recent projects...

Here is a mish-mash of things I have been up to in the last week...

Boston Creme- This was one half of an order I had for a baby boy shower. I didn't like the ganache I used last time, as I felt it was too runny and didn't have the "look" I wanted. I would post the new recipe, but it's actually very simple. In a double-boiler (i.e. metal bowl over a pan of boiling water), melt a small package of Nestle Premium Semi-Sweet chips. If you use the cheap brand, it won't work as well. Then slowly stir in a 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream. To cover, hold the cupcake upside down and dip it into the ganache. If you kind of twirl it as you pick it up, it will leave a nice even coating instead of running off one side.

Oreo Cupcakes with Chocolate Owls- My school's mascot is the owl, so I made these from a chocolate mold and put them on top of my fore-mentioned Oreo cupcakes. They were pretty cute for the first attempt. I put the melted chocolate into a piping bag and cut off a tiny tip to make the molds easier (and quicker!) to fill.

Marshmallow Coconut- These were the second half of the order for the baby boy shower. That answers the obvious question- Why are they blue? It's a simple white cake, with a filling made from marshmallow cream and coconut. I dyed the buttercream and the rest of the coconut blue and decorated them with it. They are so easy to make, but they are very close to my favorite so far!

I had a few of each left over at the end of the week that didn't make the cut. So, I packed them up and sent them to a friend before I was too tempted to polish them off! :)


  1. Glad I don't live close to you so I don't have any more reason to be dragging my butt to the gym than I already need!

  2. But they are sooo worth am extra mile on the treadmill! :-)
